
Here you learn more about the AHO Baden-Württemberg (Arbeitskreis heimischer Orchi- deen). Publishes the Journal Europäischer Orchideen (JEO).

The AHO Bayern and its sections. Portraits of Bavarian orchids and their field mapping.

Top-class staffed forum where topics concerning euro- pean orchids are discussed.

On the website of Günther Blaich you can find amongst others photos of 551 species, variants and hybrids.

Informative website of the couple Grabner. The orchids of Central Europe and some travel destinations in Mediterranean area.

An interesting website of Marco Klüber which deals with the orchids of the Rhön.

A copious website of Dr. Helmuth Zelesny and Bernd Wössner about european orchids.

Wolfgang Leverberg has an excellent homepage about the outdoor cultivation of orchids. Highly recommended.

Topclass staffed forum where mainly topics concerning the culture and propagation of orchids are discussed.

Great webpage of Pierre-Michel Blais about French orchids, mainly of the department Var.

Very interesting webpage of Branko Dolinar about the Slovenian orchid flora.

Considerable Canadian link collection to orchids. The website is run by Jerry Bolce.

The Karnivoren-Datenbank is a website with excellent content and layout. First-rate and extensive information about carnivorous plants.

Here you attain to the forum of the association for carnivorous plants in German-speaking Europe.

A very good homepage of Daniel Jelkmann. Among other things you can find there a construction manual for a bog bed.

Also the homepage of Julia Rohlfing is very informative and impresses with a precise design.

The homepage of Karsten Günther provides among other things the ‚Karnivoren-Chat‘.

Great homepage of Markus Welge and Matthias Teichert with valuable information and very good pictures.

Informative Homepage of Andreas Schulz. In addition, you can find on the homepage a small online-shop.

Great website of Urs Zimmermann from Switzerland. On the site are numerous pictures of carnivorous plants at their natural habitat shown.

Wonderful homepage of Christian Dietz, on which numerous carnivorous genera are very well shown.

Nicole Rebbert is an absolute specialist for Utriculariae. Her homepage convinces by worthwhile tips and excellent pictures.

Also Sven Latsch has a very beautiful site about carnivorous plants conceived. Godd design, valuable hints.

On this private website you can find interesting information about the cultivation of banana plants outdoor.

On this website is excellent content paired with a great layout. In addition to information about the propagation of exotic plants the site provides many further information.

Very beautiful site about diverse bedded-out palm species. In addition, other exotic plants are described too.

Herbert Müller is an accepted expert of exotic fruit plants. A very nice site.

It acts within the Association of German botanical gardens and coordinates activities for preservation of native wild plants in culture (ex situ) to support wild populations (in situ).

An association with the intention to boost the floristic – botanical research of German vascular plants. It was founded in 2005.

The Wilhelma is not only a zoo with circa 1.000 animal species but also an excellent botanical garden with numerous greenhouses. In these and outdoor circa 6.000 plant species are cultivated.

Since 25 years this nonprofit association succesful stands up for conservation of tropical rain forests. But it needs also your help and support! You can download the Regenwald Report on its website.