Small White Orchid (Leucorchis)
The Small White Orchid (Leucorchis albida, Syn. Pseudorchis albida), is a typical montane orchid, which prefers surface gone stale soils. The Small White Orchid is relatively delicate und unconspicuous. From June to August the plants produces numerous, relatively small, white-greenish flowers. Rarely the species hybridizes with species of the taxon Gymnadenia or Nigritella. Recently the taxons Leucorchis and Nigritella are assigned to taxon Gymnadenia.
Leucorchis albida

03.07.2007, Seiser Alm, South Tyrol

03.07.2007, Seiser Alm, South Tyrol

30.06.2006, Feldberg, Germany

30.06.2006, Feldberg, Germany