Alpine Orchid (Chamorchis)
The Alpine Orchid is in many respects extreme. Apart from the Lesser Twayblade (Listera cordata) it is with 5 – 10 centimetres growth height the smallest native orchid species. In Central Europe it is only to be found in alpine biotopes as from 1.600 m above sea level. In addition, the species is also in Scandinavia to be found, where the Alpine Orchid grows at distinct lower levels.
In most cases the lime-loving species is within Pad Segge companies – often amidst the White Dryas (Dryas octopetala) – to be found.
The appearance of the Alpine Orchid is rather unspectacular. The slender, grass-like leaves form a basal rosette. Likewise inconspicuous are the diminutive, spurless flowers. The yellowish green flower is maximum slightly divided.