Helleborine (Cephalanthera)
The genus Cephalanthera contains altogether eight species, of which three species are native in Germany too. Overall these species are not rare, you can find the lime-loving plants mostly in forests, but also on the edge of the forest or in bushes.
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
April 2004, Southwestern Turkey, Turkey
23.04.2009, Seui, Sardinia
23.04.2009, Seui, Sardinia
26.05.2003, district Heidenheim, Germany
26.05.2003, district Heidenheim, Germany
10.06.2002, district Heidenheim, Germany
10.06.2002, district Heidenheim, Germany